Labelling and Filing | Polka Dots and Rainy Days: Labelling and Filing

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Labelling and Filing

I recently bought a label maker. I have had my eye on one for quite some time now and I decided to buy it when I saw that it was 60% off.

So because I now have a label maker I decided it was a good time to re-organize my files. My files are stored in an accordion file, this is because I don't actually have all that many files at my age. So this is how I organized it.

Files are always a hassle, no matter what they tend to stack up and you can never seem to get rid of them. But I guess that is the point, these are the things that you need to keep. Things like birth certificates and loan details that you always need to have on hand, so this is a quick way that takes care of the organization.

First, I took everything out of the file and arranged them into categories, they already were in somewhat similar categories, but somethings just didn't seem to fit in these and always ended up in the misc. file. So once I arranged the piles of paper I then got my label maker out and made new labels for the categories.

I then arranged the categories into alphabetical order (you don't have to do this, you could group like with like), and then stuck the labels in place.

Next I went through all of the papers and shredded what I didn't need to keep, and placed them into their category file in date order (newest at the front).

Now my files are all organized and easy to access. Now what other things can I label?

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