Friday, June 19, 2015

Junk Free June Week 3

It is now the end of the third week of Junk Free June. I have found that the campaign has been really beneficial to me learning about food and what I am putting into my body. So far this month I have lost 7kg. I am so happy and have a lot of energy.

This is great considering it is exam time here, and I feel like I am studying 24/7 but as well as being helpful to me it is a great cause, raising money for the Cancer Society.

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Image: Junk Free June Blog

I thought that I would share with you this amazing recipe from the Junk Free June Blog, you can find it here.

How is your June going? Do you have exams as well? What is your favorite healthy snack?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Junk Free June Week 2

The second week of Junk Free June is a lot better than the first. I am starting to feel like I have more energy and am noticing that my skin looks and feels a lot better. But I am still craving sugar. I can't wait until July to do a little bit of baking and enjoy the sugary sweetness again.
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I found this great recipe on the Junk Free June Blog and have made it several times you can find it here. They are absolutely awesome.

Junk Free June is a really great campaign to raise money for the Cancer Society, but it is also helping me realise what I put in my body as well as helping me learn about food. So far I am pleased to say I have lost 5kg. This was really helped by me adding a little bit of exercise into my day.

I am a firm believer that by doing even a little bit of exercise is better than nothing. So even if I can't do a 30 minute work out I will try 10 or even 5 minutes, because it all adds up.

How is your June going? Have you ever done a campaign like Junk Free June? How do you like to exercise?

5 Tips to Help with End of Semester Motivation

 Finding the motivation to do anything is a push for most college students, but add in the stress of the end of semester and impending exams it makes it so much harder to push through and get things done.

I have been struggling with finding motivation to finish my last few assignments. Something that is so unlike me, I am usually the one who starts things three weeks early. So I thought that I would share with you some helpful hints on how to find motivation and achieve whatever you set out to achieve.

1. Organize:
My best advice for you is to make a schedule, whether it be a study schedule or just a schedule for the day it really does help. I made a study schedule that maps out the exact times that I am going to study. I then printed this off and stuck it on my wall above my calendar with some washi tape.

2. Break it Down:
After I have made the general schedule I break every single task down and write what I need to get done, when I will start and when I will finish. I like to allow only 30 minutes for each task and I will come back to it if I don't get it finished. This means that I stay focused on that task and before I have time to drift off I can move on to the next thing.

3. Procrastinate Productively:
If I do start to lose focus I will find something productive to do, so instead of wasting time scrolling through Pinterest (let's be honest this still happens...) I will clean, tidy my desk, grab a drink or a healthy snack, go for a walk outside or make a schedule for the things that I need to do tomorrow. By doing something that you ultimately need to do when you can't focus means that you aren't wasting time.

4. Have Everything at your Fingertips:
I like to have everything that I am going to be working on right next to me. This saves time when I am switching between tasks as I am quickly able to find what I am doing and start quickly.

5. Cross it Off:
Once I have finished a task I like to cross it off and write the time that I finished it by next to it. This is extremely handy for me to realize how long it takes to do certain things and also promotes a sense of achievement as I can see at the end of the day how much I achieved.   

How do you find motivation? Are there any special ways that you like to plan out your study? Do you have anywhere special that you like to study?


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Junk Free June Week 1

I know that this post is a little late, and for that I am sorry. It is currently the end of the semester and I have so much stuff to finish and then exams to study for :( so I am really, really sorry.

Junk Free June is a great cause, raising money for the Cancer Society and helping me eat healthier and make wiser choices when it comes to food. The first week didn't go as planned. I thought that I would be feeling great, happy and healthy but this is not the case. I feel sluggish and as if I have less energy.
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Image: Junk Free June

This may be to do with the fact that it is a bit of a drastic change in my diet and my body is not used to eating this healthy.

I really did have to push through by the end of the week as I was starting to crave sugar and some foods that I didn't know had sugar in them that I really wanted. In all this has really helped me to pay more attention to the food that I eat and what they could be doing to my body.

This week I have decided to start doing a little bit of exercise as well, to see if this will help me gain energy. As well as being a perfect time to start a health kick.

But as for the way that my body is responding to eating healthier, I am pleased to report that in a week I have lost 2kg. Something that I have been struggling with for a while. So that makes it a lot easier to head into week 2 of Junk Free June.

You can support me here.

How do you stay healthy? Are you doing Junk Free June? Have you done something similar?