Desk Drawer Organizing | Polka Dots and Rainy Days: Desk Drawer Organizing

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Desk Drawer Organizing

I like stationery, I like it so much that I tend to have more pens, highlighters, tape, and every other thing that you can think of. However this problem leads to me having a very packed desk drawer. I shared what my desk looks like here

So today I thought that I would share with you the organization of this drawer as it has changed (several times, because I just can't seem to get it to work). Do you have that problem where it just doesn't work for you, it annoys you so much that you tend to not open the drawer, let alone have no idea why you are keeping thousands of pens when you never use them.
I started by pulling out everything. Then I lined the drawer with some polka dotted wrapping paper and stuck it down with clear contact paper. Unfortunately the drawer doesn't pull out any further than this so it was rather hard to get it stuck down evenly.
 I then put everything back in working out what things needed to be nearer the front, so I played around with the layout a few times.

So I eventually landed on this, it means that my mouse and hard-drive (the things that I use the most) are at the front and things like my calculator that I hardly use are further at the back. My pens were already in a plastic organizer (yes I do have crayons...). Also leaving place for my label-maker to fit nicely in the middle.

My desk only has the one small drawer. I was looking for a desk that had a drawer along the whole front, but I couldn't seem to find one, let alone on my budget. But somehow I manage to fit everything in this drawer, it is not as accessible as I would like but now it is super pretty with polka dots!

Are you a stationery junkie like me? How do you organize it all?