I'm sorry about the lack of posts recently. I have been really busy with college studies and work (I started a new job recently) so getting used to a schedule is getting really hard. So I thought that today I would talk about keeping up with College work
I know it is around finals time for my readers in the Northern Hemisphere, but here we are 3/4 through the first semester, the time that everything starts to build, and getting a little bit behind means that it takes ages to catch up. So in terms of my really bad time management at the moment I thought that I would share with you some tips to help with getting stuff done.
Use a planner. I can't stress this enough. It is always good to write down things that are going on, work, assignments readings and everything in between.
Make lists. Even when I am behind (like now) I like to keep a list of everything that I have to do urgently, and things that need to be done when I have time (things like readings). This way when I do catch up with my notes I can easily see what reading I need to read next (also helps if they are in order of when they needed to be read by).
Just Do It. Nike was onto something when they wrote this, you never get anything achieved if you don't start it. So just take a few minutes and start it.
Plan out study time. Making an effort to plan out time to achieve certain tasks mean that you do not have an excuse to not do it.
Every little bit counts. An hour or two a day is what I am doing on catching up. When I am caught up I will continue to do this to stay on track and ace my exams (which are in like a month, eek). Just by doing a little bit doesn't make it hard or even seem hard, but eventually you will catch up and be flying through ahead of your syllabus and happy as Larry!
There are so many things that take up time in College, but just by applying these little tips you will get through it and stay ahead of what you need to do.
What little tricks do you have to stay ahead with College Work? Do you have any day planner that you like to use to work out your daily schedule?
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