5 Tips on How to Deal with Stress | Polka Dots and Rainy Days: 5 Tips on How to Deal with Stress

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5 Tips on How to Deal with Stress

Stress is a big thing in College, it determines so many things from your grades to your friendships yet people spend very little time dealing with it and more fighting it.

I will start off by saying that everybody deals with stress in different ways. I seem to bottle it up and then it builds to the point of really bad anxiety. I recently started a new part-time job and I had to deal with really irrational anxiety before I started, things that go through my head like what-ifs, even though I know that it won't be that bad I still have to fight with myself. I have a few printable's that will help with stress here.

I have a few different ways of dealing with stress and these 5 tips are all very useful.

1. Exercise. I know that this seems like the last thing that you want to be doing when you are all piled up with College work, but it really does help to relieve some of the pent-up energy. I also read somewhere that by doing exercise it helps to get rid of the adrenile that your body uses to stress.

2. Yoga. This is like the epitome of de-stressing. It really does help. Just take a few minutes to look up a youtube video and go for it. I promise you will feel so much better.

3. A Hobby. I like to bake when I am stressed, it helps me to divert all of my attention to what I am doing in the moment. Any hobby or interest would work as long as it is something that you enjoy and takes up a lot of your attention.

4. Start small. Just start working on the things that you are stressed about.You will not get anywhere without starting.

5. Spend sometime actually thinking about the things that you are stressing about. Write them all down. Make a date that they need to be done by. There everything is now out of your head and onto a piece of paper.

How do you deal with stress? Is there anything that you always find you stress out over?